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Tomorrow's Technology Today


Xeco’s advanced electricity management solution is designed to optimize the consumption of electricity and save money. An improvement in the power factor efficiency in commercial and industrial facilities is only one of the measurable benefits from using Xeco’s technology. Other benefits include a reduction in kW and kWh consumption, reduction in harmonic distortion due to DC loads from VFD’s, inverters, and other DC regulating equipment, and the stabilization of voltage across the electrical network. Deployment of Xeco’s technology will also result in a reduction in the temperature of the windings in inductive motors extending their useful life.

Simply stated, Power Factor is an expression of electricity efficiency use expressed as a percentage—and the lower the percentage, the less efficient the usage. The ultimate power factor measurement in a facility is 100% which indicates 100% of the electricity supplied is being used productively without waste. Most commercial and industrial electrical networks have a power factor less than 100% and a significant percentage have a power factor of less than 90%. The implications of lower power factors are the need for additional energy production by the supplier, higher costs to the consumer, and an increased level of CO2 emissions. Many electricity suppliers levy fees and/or financial penalties to commercial and industrial customers with power factor levels below an established minimum, for example 92%.

The chart below compares the features and benefits of tradition power factor correction equipment to Xeco’s electricity management technology. The multiple benefits produced by Xeco’s technology offer the user a compelling value proposition that continues to reoccur annually for up to twenty years.

Improving Energy Efficiency Should Include More than Power Factor Correction

Traditional Power Capacitor
  • Power factor improvement
95% to 98% 96% to 100%
  • Equipment lifecycle?
Approx. 3 Years 15 Years or More
  • kVAR added to the electrical lines
Yes, kVAR is added No, the need for kVAR is reduced
  • Replacement costs in 15 years
~$30,000 x number of units No service or maintenance required
  • Potentially hazardous
Capacitors occasionally blow up None because of no direct load
  • Maintenance required
Regular maintenance required No Maintenance required
  • Warranty period
1 Year 10 Years
  • kW Peak Savings
No Yes(15% to 35%)
  • kWh Savings
No Yes(8% to 12%)
  • Harmonic Reductions
No Yes(up to 95%)
  • Amp Reduction
Yes(8% to 14%); However Amps decrease/Volts Yes(8% to 14%); Amps decrease/Voltage stabilized
  • Voltage stabilized
No Yes(+/‐ 1 VAC)
  • Software Controls
No Yes
  • Motor Heat Reduction
No Yes(Approximitly 30 degrees F)
  • Motor Life Expectancy
No Increase Increase Up to 50%
  • Facility testing
No Yes
  • Power Factor costs savings
Yes (+/‐ 35%) Yes (+/‐ 35%)
  • Results metered & trackable
No Yes (Revenue grade metering)
  • Installation Shut Down
Yes No